On January 26, an interesting webinar was held on the keys to selecting the best management talent:
One of the strategic priorities of organizations is to have the right people in the right positions, especially in those positions that are particularly critical.
As a company, being able to attract the best management talent is a real competitive advantage in achieving the objectives set.
Keys to select the best management talent
On January 26, an interesting webinar was held on the keys to selecting the best management talent:
One of the strategic priorities of organizations is to have the right people in the right positions, especially in those positions that are particularly critical.
As a company, being able to attract the best management talent is a real competitive advantage in achieving the objectives set.
See webinar
What is the difference between a leader and a manager?
What are the keys to evaluating the suitability of an executive profile to a specific position?
How to ensure the permanence of the incorporated executive profile?
How important is the on-boarding of the incorporated person to ensure success?
What should be considered when developing management teams?
What do you ask of an Executive Search company?
Cárcel, new partner of the firm
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