The raison d’être for Saltor Talent Executive Search

The raison d’être for Saltor Talent Executive Search

19 de February de 2020 Saltor Talent 0 Comments

I am so pleased to be writing in our blog for the first time. I was asked to write about our raison d’être and my first reflection is that after 5 years of much hard work, the project that we have been dreaming about is now a reality.

Saltor is a mixture of history, the past, innovation and disruption. If we begin with “our history”, “our past”, the very name of the company – Saltor – has not come from me, but rather, is from my father and as such, is a tribute to him. Joaquim Saltor was General Director for 25 years of one of the most important headhunting firms from the 70s through to the 90s, IOR. My father was the leader of that successful project for 25 years until his premature death at a young age and I was just starting my teens. Throughout my childhood and too soon adolescence, every Sunday at breakfast time, the whole family would sit around the breakfast table with my mother and father and go through the want ads in the Vanguardia newspaper, looking at how many ads IOR had put out and how many the competition had done. We would usually win and then celebrate it. That’s the way the world of attracting and recruiting talent worked backed then, in a time without cell phones, LinkedIn…no internet…incredible isn’t it?

Since I started my professional career in the world of the Executive Search, I have met many exceptional senior executives along the way that had at some point coincided with my father and always, many of them with tears in their eyes, have pointed out his values, professionalism, humbleness and without a doubt, how much of a good person and great leader he was.

That is the part of the story that marks what Saltor is today, a company with soul in which the passion for what we do, the humbleness to be able to continually learn and entrepreneurship as the driving force for constant evolution are our main strengths.

If we talk about innovation and disruption, I flashback to my time in Brazil when, already in that moment, the idea came up to create a different and fresh company in a sector such as ours, which was maybe not so given to innovation nor very humble in its nature.

Since 2001, when I started my career in this wonderful profession, the world, and consequently companies and people, have changed a lot and it’s for this reason that the focus and relationship with our clients and candidates also had to undergo a change. So, after more than a year of intense work with our clients, candidates and fantastic travel companions, we, along with our digital partner Cookiebox, (experts in gamification)  were able to launch our methodology “Seamless from need to fit” in mid-2019. We are talking about purpose, culture, and both the skills and experience of candidates and clients.

Saltor, from the very beginning, was working on an international level because we carried out an executive search for a Corporate Human Resources Director for a subsidiary in Mexico of one of Spain’s largest and most international companies.Today, after nearly 5 years of hard work, we have been able to carry out searches in Mexico, Brazil, Argentina, the UK, Croatia, Denmark, France and Israel, thanks to our international partners.

This is how our company was born and is developing and I love sharing this with all of you. Our idea is to continue explaining our story and any news here in our blog. So I hope you will follow us!!!

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